Post by Kyria on Jan 22, 2010 18:21:51 GMT
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The Environment
Surrounded by favelas, the crime wave and the influx of mutants that swept over Rio when the war ended merged the different aspects of the city until rich and poor alike were fighting for houses and jobs - without money, the differences were minimal, and power was what mattered.
The city was swiftly divided into sections by the various crime lords, and there is always at least one gang war going on. The gangs with the most territory are, as a general rule, those with the most mutants and magic-users.
The temperature is usually about thirty degrees, all year round. There is little rainfall. Even in the winter months, Rio is never cold.
The People
Anyone who can survive outside the city works outside the city, unless their respective gang leader gives orders to the contrary. There are high rivlaries, not between the various types of people, but between the gangs. You do not want to get caught up in one of their wars, although many do. Most people pick a side or die.
It's difficult to stay neutral, and most people ally themselves with the gang whose territory they are in because it is safer. The only exceptions to this are mutants who can take care of and defend themselves.
General Information
40% human
30% mutant
30% magic-wielders
Currency: Trade and threats.
The Rest of Brazil
Deforested area, other cities, and rainforest. The rainforest, already a dangerous place, was a dumping ground for experiments gone wrong, so watch your back.